Driving Directions

To Santander Arena

To Penn State Berks Campus

From Philadelphia, PA and Southern New Jersey

I-76 West to 422 West. 422 West to Reading (about 45 minutes). Merge to the left lane after passing the Penn Street, Penn Avenue, and North Wyomissing Blvd. exits in Reading. Follow the signs for 222 North/Allentown. Exit at Broadcasting Road. Make a right at the traffic signal onto Broadcasting Road. Make the first right onto Harper Road (campus entrance).

From Harrisburg, PA and Points West

Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike East to Exit 286 (Reading/Denver). Exit to 222 North. Follow the signs for 222 North/Allentown. Exit at Broadcasting Road. Make a right at the traffic signal onto Broadcasting Road. Make the first right onto Harper Road (campus entrance).

From New York City, Northern New Jersey, New York and New England

Take the New Jersey Turnpike south to Exit 14 and I-78 West. Continue on I-78 West into Pennsylvania to 100 South (Fogelsville Exit). Continue on Rt. 100 South to 222 South. Continue on Route 222 South to Reading for 14.5 miles. Take exit marked 222 South Lancaster and follow that for approximately 7 miles to the Broadcasting Road Exit. Exit at Broadcasting Road. Left at the traffic signal onto Broadcasting Road. Proceed straight through traffic signal. First right onto Harper Road (campus entrance).

From Baltimore/Washington Area and Points South

I-95 North to I-695 West (Baltimore Beltway). I-695 to I-83 North. I-83 North to York and 30 East. 30 East to Lancaster and 222 North. Follow the signs for 222 North/Allentown. Exit at Broadcasting Road. Make a right at the traffic signal onto Broadcasting Road. Make the first right onto Harper Road (campus entrance).

From University Park

Take 322 East toward Harrisburg. Once in Harrisburg, follow 81 North. Follow 81 North to 78 East toward Allentown. From 78 East, exit 183 South and follow for about 10 miles. You will pass Blue Marsh Lake and Recreational Area. Take the Reading/Lancaster exit onto Route 222 South (also known as the "Road to Nowhere") Take the second exit onto Broadcasting Road. Make a left off the ramp and the campus is on the right. The first right into campus is the main entrance. The parking area there will allow easy access to Franco, Thun Library, Perkins Student Center, the Hintz Bookstore, and the Beaver Community Center. The second right from Broadcasting Road allows access to the Williams Cottage, the Janssen Office Building, and the Janssen Conference Center. If you take a right at the end of Broadcasting onto Tulpehocken Road, the third right is the parking area next to the Luerssen Building and the fourth right off Tulpehocken Road is the entrance to the Residence Halls.

For more detailed directions, please call the campus at 610-396-6000.

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